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La Bella Vita Barge Cruise Photos

From: La Bella Vita Barge Cruise Review

Day 5: Ferrara (2)

Piazza Duomo and Ferrara Cathedral

From Castello Estense, we walked to Ferrara's main square, the Piazza Duomo, where a German tourist couple were admiring Ferrara Cathedral from 1950s-style bicycles.

Virgin Mary statue on facade of Ferrara Cathedral

From the cathedral's façade, the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus looked down on the square (possibly to count the many bicycles on the Piazza Duomo).

Vintage bicyclists in Ferrara

Piazza Duomo and McDonald's, Ferrara

In Ferrara, vintage bicyclists are as prevalent as vintage bicycles.

Piazza Duomo with Palazzo Municipale and stone lion

Staircase at Palazzo Munipale, Ferrara

Another landmark on the cathedral square is the Palazzo Municipale (started in 1245), where the Estense family lived before moving to the larger (and more secure) Castello.

Demonstration in Ferrara

Ferrara's citizens no longer tear public officials from limb to limb (as they did in 1385), but peaceful demonstrations aren't unknown. This protest was about government layoffs--and as you might expect in Ferrara, some of the demonstrators were on bicycles.

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In this day-by-day photo diary:
Day 1 - Embarkation and Venice
Day 2 - Venice, Alberoni
Day 3 - Chioggia, Ca' Zen
Day 4 - Adria, Bagnoli Estate
Day 5 - Ferrara
Day 6 - Mantua
Day 7 - Disembarkation

Also see:
La Bella Vita cruise review (8 pages)
Satellite map of cruising region and high points
Venice for Visitors