From "Types of Roads" in the "Getting Around by Car" section:
The Superstrada
Indicated by blue signs, a Strada di Grande Communicazione or
S.G.C. is very often a fine alternative to the autostrada. Like autostrade, they
are four-lane, divided expressways and so move rapidly, require no tolls, and
are often more scenic. These roads are especially good for avoiding the
autostrade on summer weekends (when they can come to a complete standstill
as vacationers pour back in from the beaches) or wherever you might prefer a
more interesting drive rather than the absolute fastest route.
From "Pronto! Phoning in Italy" in the "Keeping in Touch"
Italian Phone Numbers
Phone numbers in Italy are composed of a prefix, followed by the
individual number. Unlike U.S. phone numbers, however, neither group contains a
fixed number of digits. The prefix may be anywhere from two to four numbers in
length and begin with an 0. This prefix is not officially an area code, but does
in fact indicate the town or area where the phone is located (the prefix for
Rome is 06, Firenze is 055, Greve is 0517). All cell-phone prefixes are three
numbers and begin with 3nn. The remainder of the numbers may be from five
to eight digits, although cell-phone numbers will always be ten digits, just
like we're used to.
Worth noting: You'll always dial both the prefix and
the phone number--from anywhere in Italy to anywhere in Italy--even if you
are located in the same city as the person you're calling.
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