Salzburger Nockerln
ABOVE: In Salzburg, don't let your waiter or waitress distract you with other tempting delicacies. Make it clear that you'll settle for nothing less than Salzburger Nockerln.
If you can't make it to Austria this year, bring a taste of Österreich to your own kitchen or dining room with a dessert that's easy to make, tasty, and more nutritious than most. I refer to Salzburger Nockerln, or "Salzburg Dumplings," a sweet soufflé or omelette that resembles three or more golden church domes in a baking dish. Here's one version that I like; it's based on a recipe from Joseph Wechsberg's The Cooking of Vienna's Empire, which appeared in the Time-Life "Foods of the World" cookbook series in 1968. The book is out of print, but it should be easy to find at a used-book dealer. Salzburger Nockerln (U.S. measurements)
Preheat oven to 350 F. Blend egg yolks lightly with vanilla and lemon peel, then stir in flour.In a separate bowl, whip egg whites with salt until they cling to the beater or whisk. Add sugar and beat until stiff. Stir a heaping tablespoon of egg whites into the yolk-flour mixture to lighten. Fold the resulting mixture into the beaten egg whites, being careful not to overfold. Butter an 8" x 10" x 2" baking dish or a large oval au-gratin dish. Using a rubber spatula, make three mounds of batter in the dish. Bake on the oven's center shelf for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly browned but still soft on the inside. Dust with powdered sugar and serve. (Note: Some Salzburger Nockerln aficionados add a dab of currant jelly to the baking dish before mounding the batter, and others serve the dumplings with rasperry sauce.) For a recipe that lists ingredients in both grams and ounces, see: Next Page > Another Salzburger Nockerln recipe - Page 2