Thun and its castle
ABOVE: A view toward the lake from Schoss Thun.
Thun (pronounced "Toon") is a city of nearly 40,000 that has occupied an important role in cantonal affairs since the Gentlemen of Bern acquired it from the House of Kyburg in 1384. The town is located at the northwestern corner of Lake Thun (Thunersee), where the River Aare flows out of the lake on its 24-mile journey toward the Swiss capital of Bern. It offers frequent train and boat service to nearby Interlaken, the hub of the Jungfrau region, yet it's only a 20-minute commute from Bern. Trains also head south over the Loetschberg Pass to Brig, which offers easy railway connections to Italy and the popular Glacier Express between Zermatt and St. Moritz. In short, Thun is both a transportation hub and a convenient base for city and mountain excursions.
But that's not all. Thun is a tourist destination in its own right, with a magnificent turreted castle (now a museum) that has dominated the Thin skyline since Duke Berthold V of Zähringen ordered it built in 1191. Paul Guiton, author of an undated travel guide titled Switzerland: Northern and Eastern from 70 or 80 years ago, had this description of Thun and its castle:
Although Thun is no longer the "little town" of Guiton's day, its urban center hasn't changed dramatically over the last half-century. The Rathausplatz still has a massive 16th Century city hall, and the businesses on the Hauptgasse continue to be arranged on two levels, with the sidewalks outside the upper-story shops serving as an arcade for the stores at ground level. ABOVE: Thun's Rathaus, or City Hall. Sights and excursionsDuring your visit to Thun, be sure to see: Schloss Thun. Thun Castle (described above) is open year-round. As you explore the interior, you can enjoy views of the town, Lake Thun, and distant Alps from the castle windows. Kunstmuseum Thun, housed in a former grand hotel on the Aare River, has a large collection of modern paintings, sculptures, and photographs. Thun Panorama (formerly the Wocher-Panorama), a pavilion in Schadau Park where you can see a panoramic painting of Thun as it looked in 1810. Schloss Oberhofen, a handsome castle in a beautiful setting on Lake Thun. The castle is a branch of the Bern Historical Museum, with a collection of period furniture and displays on local life in earlier times. You can reach the castle by lake steamer and hike back to Thun along the shore. Dampfbahn Vaporama Schadowpark Thun offers excursions on a miniature steam railway. Trains normally operate two weekends per month from April to October and on certain holidays (see timetable). The ride is inexpensive, and multi-ride punchcards are available. Where to stay
Booking.com: Thun our partner Tourist informationFor more information about Thun and nearby attractions, please see: Thunersee About the author:
After 4-1/2 years of covering European travel topics for About.com, Durant and Cheryl Imboden co-founded Europe for Visitors in 2001. The site has earned "Best of the Web" honors from Forbes and The Washington Post. For more information, see About Europe for Visitors, press clippings, and reader testimonials. |
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