Zürich and Geneva
Tram Restaurants

ABOVE: Someday, this older Zurich tram could
end up as a rolling fast-food emporium, snack bar, or Confiserie.
In Switzerland, first-rate public
transportation is considered a birthright. The country is criss-crossed by
railroads, boat routes, funiculars, aerial cable cars, Postal Bus routes,
and--in the larger cities--extensive networks of buses and trams.
One might expect the Swiss public-transportation authorities to sit on their
laurels. But no; transit authorities like Zürich's VBZ
and Geneva's TPG are always looking for new
ways to improve their service, whether it's by offering whimsical rolling stock
like the Titanic-Tram (VBZ)
or earning the coveted ISO 9001 quality certification (TPG). And in recent
years, they've offered something even more intriguing: tram restaurants that
serve meals while touring the town.
Gastrotram and Le Tram-Restaurant
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