Tour Europe by ShipPage 4
ABOVE: A glass wall on Silversea's Silver Spirit reflects the Lisbon waterfront. A typical cruise day on Silversea's Silver Spirit
We frequently returned to the ship at midday, had lunch in the ship's air-conditioned buffet or restaurant, checked our e-mail, then went ashore for a few more hours. Many of our fellow passengers took a less strenuous approach: They changed into swimsuits and headed for the pool, where they ate hamburgers and sipped cold drinks while working on their tans.
Not all ships are like the Silver Spirit, of course; smaller vessels may offer a limited range of activities, while a 4,000-passenger "megaship" may offer everything from basket-weaving to basketball. But the basics are common to nearly all ships: A cabin, plenty of food, bars, lounges, and open decks where you can enjoy views and fresh air from the sea as you cruise between ports. Next page: Shopping for a cruise
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