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Erfurt Photos

From: Erfurt, Germany



Guest rooms at the Augustinian Monastery don't have radios or TVs, but German-language reading material is available. My room was supplied with a Luther translation of the Bible, Martin Luther's Christlicher Wegweiser für Jeden Tag, a Gideon New Testament, Erfurter Blätter (a monthly church magazine), and various booklets about the monastery, the city, and the 15th Century monks whose names are assigned to the 51 bedrooms.

The rooms, which were built within two of the monastery's wings in 2002, are simply furnished but comfortable. Each has one or two beds, a table and chair, central heating, large windows, and a modern bathroom with toilet and shower.

For more information on staying at the monastery as a tourist or religious visitor, see our Augustinerkloster article.

Suggestion: Lutheran church groups from English-speaking countries often visit Erfurt, but most stay in hotels. If you're organizing a tour of the Luther Trail, try to include a night at the Augustinian Monastery where Luther began his religious career. (How often do you get to say, "Martin Luther slept here, and so did I?")

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Erfurt Photo Gallery Index

More about Erfurt:
Erfurt, Germany - 9-page travel guide
Erfurt photo gallery - 105 pictures with captions
Augustinerkloster - The monastery where Luther took his vows
Alte Synagogue - Old Synagogue
German Christmas Markets: Erfurt
Hotel am Kaiser