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Erfurt Photos

From: Erfurt, Germany



sign photoArchived photo: The Klosterstube (modern stucco building in center) is on the Augustinerstraβe, a few steps from the Augustinian Church. The café is operated by the sistsrs of the Casteller Ring religious community and is popular with senior citizens and young people from the neighborhood. It's a great place to enjoy non-alcoholic drinks, cakes, and sandwiches in a friendly, casual atmosphere. Hours are:

Monday-Saturday (closed Tuesday): 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sunday: Open for coffee after the 9:30 a.m. church service.

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Erfurt Photo Gallery Index

More about Erfurt:
Erfurt, Germany - 9-page travel guide
Erfurt photo gallery - 105 pictures with captions
Augustinerkloster - The monastery where Luther took his vows
Alte Synagogue - Old Synagogue
German Christmas Markets: Erfurt
Hotel am Kaiser