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ACTV Maps, Timetables, and Apps

View schedules or download PDF files to your computer, tablet, or smartphone from the Venice public-transportation network's Web site. Apps for iPhones and Android phones are also available.

ACTV route map.

ABOVE: This thumbnail shows ACTV's easy-to-read route map, which you can download as a PDF file or view as an interactive map on ACTV's Web site. (See links below.)

Last updated March 19, 2025

ACTV, Venice's public-transit agency, has published a number of useful documents that you can view on your computer, tablet, or smartphone or print before leaving for Venice.

To save you the hassle of trying to find the maps and timebables on the ACTV's confusing Web site, we've provided links to the relevant pages below.

"" ACTV Waterbus or Vaporetto Maps

This page has green buttons for:

  • A downloadable PDF map that shows all "waterborne" or waterbus lines.

  • A very useful interactive line map. (Click on a line number, and the route will appear on the stylized map of Venice and its islands.)

  • A map of bus services in Mestre and Marghera, on the Italian mainland. These areas have many inexpensive hotels and hotels with parking.

The page also has:

  • Links to PDF maps of large waterbus stops such as Piazzale Roma, the railroad station, Rialto, the Piazza San Marco area, and the Lido. (These stops have multiple platforms, so the maps make it easier to find the right pier for a given waterbus line.)

"" ACTV Waterbus Timetables

This journey planner is in Italian, but it's easy to use:

  1. Choose a line by clicking on the vaporetto route's timetable symbol. (Note that each line has two timetables, one in each direction.)

  2. Under "Cerco dalle," select a time. Also select the day/date ("Il giorno") and your departure stop under "Cerca fermata di questa linea."

  3. The results will show three times, including the departure time at the beginning of the line, the time when the boat will reach your stop, and the arrival time at the far end of the line.

ACTV vaporetto at the Accademia waterbus station in Venice, Italy.

ABOVE: A Line 1 vaporetto arrives at the Accademia waterbus station on the Grand Canal.

"" Urban Lines (Buses)

Click the link above to find land buses between the mainland districts of Mestre and Marghera and Venice's Piazzale Roma, for travel within Mestre's urban bus network on the Venetian mainland, and for suburban/exurban routes.

"" Tram

ACTV operates trams in Mestre and Marghera, plus a Line 1 tram between Mestre and Venice's Piazzale Roma.

"" People Mover

The People Mover elevated tram runs between Piazzale Roma (the car, bus, and taxi gateway to central Venice), the Marittima cruise terminals, and the Tronchetto parking garage. For detailed information with photos, see our Venice People Mover article.

No. 1 Vaporetto on Venice's Grand Canal.

More advice for first-time visitors:

Arrow. Introducing Venice

Arrow. Arriving in Venice

Arrow. Local transportation

Arrow. Sightseeing & tours

Arrow. All topics

AVM/ACTV smartphone apps

The parent agency of Venice's ACTV transit service has free smartphone apps for iOS and Android. See:

"" AVM iPhone app (Apple store)

"" AVM Android app (Google Play store)

ACTV San Stae vaporetto station with timetable.

ABOVE: Look for local route timetables at entrances to ACTV stations such as San Stae (shown here).


  • See our archived Venice Travel Blog post about official ACTV published timetables that aren't always up to date.

  • ACTV's Web site can be flaky, and URLs have a nasty habit of changing without warning. If any of the ACTV links above don't work, try navigating to  the home page at and drill down from there.

  • The AVM phone apps have terrible reviews, so they may not be worth installing on your phone.

Also see:
Venice vaporetto routes
Venice vaporetto and bus fares
Buying vaporetto tickets
ACTV ticket machines
"Which Venice transportation pass do I need?"
Vaporetto line 1 (Grand Canal)
Venice local transportation index

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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has called this "the premier visitors' site for Venice, Italy." Over the years, it has helped more than 30 million travelers. For more information, see About our site, our Europe for Visitors press clippings, and our reader testimonials.