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European Currency Converter

photoUse's Universal Currency Converter below to translate Venice hotel rates and other prices into your own country's currency.

Also see our warning about Euronet ATMs in Venice, which are all over the city these days.

Other articles at Europe for Visitors may be helpful:

Currency Converter

Click here for's Currency Converter, which uses live currency-exchange rates. (You can also download conversion apps and other tools from the Web site.)

  • Tip: To avoid high currency-exchange fees, get your money from a bank or post office ATM (not to be confused with Euronet or Travelex ATMs, which you should avoid at all costs). Money-exchange counters often charge exorbitant fees for cash: Not long ago, an exchange office near the Piazza San Marco was charging an 8.5% commission on U.S. dollars, plus a €3,50 handling fee.

Photo copyright © David Franklin.