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Walking directions to Hotel Al Soffiador  (Murano), with map

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Hotel Sofiador - Murano

The two-star Hotel Al Soffiador bills itself as "unsophisticated and friendly," so snobs may want to go elsewhere.

Hotel Al Sofador signOther visitors to Murano, Venice's glassmaking island, are likely to find the tiny 9-room hotel more appealing: Al Soffiador has earned high satisfaction scores from Venere,, and TripAdvisor, and it has an attractive, central location on a tree-lined street where guests can dine or drink at ourdoor restaurants in the summertime.

From Venice's Marco Polo Airport, it's easy to reach the Hotel Al Sofiador via the Alilaguna Linea Blu airport boat. (It's about a five-minute walk from the Murano Colonna stop to the hotel, with one small bridge to cross.)

How to reach the Hotel Al Soffiador from the Alilaguna Linea Blu stop at Murano Colonna:

Hotel Al Soffiador map directions

  1. As you leave the Colonna boat stop, turn right and follow the waterfront, which will curve left into a canal.

  2. Head inland on the fondamenta or pavement next to the canal. (The street is named the Fondamenta dei Vertrai.)

  3. Continue along the canal until you reach a bridge that has a stone column with a winged lion. Turn right and cross the bridge.

  4. On the other side of the bridge, turn left and walk to the next street, which will be the Calle Bressagio.

  5. Turn right onto the Calle Bressagio and walk along the tree-lined street to the corner, where you'll find the Hotel Al Soffiador on your left.

From the Marittima cruise terminals:

  1. From your ship, walk to the wooden sidewalk near the bottom of the main U-shaped ship basin.

  2. Take a yellow-and-white Alilaguna Linea Blu airport boat to Murano Colonna. (See timetable.)

  3. Get off at Murano Colonna and follow the directions above.

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MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by Anders Imboden, using base data from the Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license IODL-2.0.

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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