Venice > Hotel directions > Hotel Ruzzini Palace
Walking directions to Hotel Ruzzini Palace (with map)

Hotel Ruzzini Palace is the most upscale of the three hotels that face the
Campo Santa Maria Formosa. It's housed in a palazzo that dates
back to the 1500s, but public rooms and guestrooms are fully up to date.
(Accommodations include doubles with large beds, junior suites, and suites.
Several rooms are handicapped-accessible--a rarity in Venice.)
You'll love the Hotel Ruzzini Palace's location: The Campo
Santa Maria Formosa is a lively square where you'll see flower sellers, children
bouncing soccer balls off the walls of the church, and dogs scampering among the
locals and tourists. Just as important, the Piazza San Marco, the Rialto Bridge,
and Venice's prime shopping streets are only a few minutes away on foot.
How to reach the Ruzzini Palace from San Zaccaria:

There are several ways to reach the Hotel Ruzzini Palace
from the Alilaguna Linea Blu airport-boat stop at San Zaccaria. We suggest
this route, which is fairly simple and requires crossing only two small bridges:
As you leave the boat station, look for a covered passage
ahead of you. The passage
is called the "Sotoportego S. Zaccaria," and you'll see signs for the
Ospedale (hospital) and the Carabinieri (police) above the
Go through the passage, which will lead you into Campo
San Zaccaria.
Continue through the campo and turn left at the
northwest corner.
Walk a few meters and turn right at the next corner into the
Calle San Provolo. Continue a short distance past the Hotel Fontana until
you reach a bridge, which will be on your left.
Cross the bridge, which will lead you into a short, curved
street named the Calle Corte Rotta.
Continue walking. The street will become Ragagiuffa (look
for a sign on the wall).
Soon, you'll reach a small bridge at the end of the street.
Cross the bridge to the Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Walk straight ahead to the end of the square, where you'll
recognize the Ruzzini Palace by its distinctive white façade, name
plaque, and
hanging banner.

From the Marittima cruise terminals:
Take the Alilaguna Blue Line airport boat from the cruise
basin to the San Zaccaria stop.
Follow the directions above.
From the San Basilio cruise pier:
Leave the cruise terminal by the main doors and walk to the
wooden bridge.
Cross the bridge and walk to the vaporetto stop, which is
just ahead.
Take the No. 2 water bus in the direction of San Zaccaria.
Get off at San Zaccaria and follow the directions above.
MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by
Anders Imboden, using base data from the
Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license
About the author:
Durant Imboden has
written about Venice, Italy since 1996.
He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching
Europe for Visitors (including
Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl
Imboden in 2001.
PC Magazine has called this "the premier visitors'
site for Venice, Italy." Over the years, it has helped more than 30 million
travelers. For more information, see About our site,
our Europe for Visitors
press clippings,
our reader testimonials.
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