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Walking directions to Sarah Sun Island (with map)

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Sarah Sun Island boat & breakfast

The Sarah Sun Island (also known as the Yacht Sarah Venezia) is a "Boat & Breakfast" aboard two small motoryachts on the small island of Sacco Fisola, across the Giudecca Canal from the San Basilio cruise terminal. You're most likely to enjoy the Sarah Sun Island experience if you're a boating fan.

The immediate neighborhood is mostly residential, but if you feel restless, you can easily walk to the Hilton Molino Stucky or one of the bars and restaurants along the Giudecca waterfront. Or, if you've bought an ACTV Tourist Travel Card, you can take the vaporetto  back and forth across the Giudecca Canal as many times as you wish. (The No. 2 vaporetto pier at Sacco Fisola is just one stop from the Zattere, Dorsoduro's lively waterfront area, and a few stops from the bright lights and major sights of San Marco.)

The Alilaguna Linea Blu airport boat is slow (about 1 hour 45 minutes), but getting from the boat landing to the Sarah is both easy and quick.

How to reach Sarah Sun Island from the Giudecca Stucky airport-boat stop:

Sarah Sun Island map directions

  1. Turn right as you exit the boat on the floating platform in front of the Hilton Molino Stucky Venice.

  2. Walk to the corner, then turn left at the canal and walk inland along the waterfront sidewalk. (When you run out of pavement, turn left and follow the sidewalk between the buildings.)

  3. Turn right when you reach a bridge, the Ponte Lavraneri. Cross the bridge to the island of Sacco Fisola.

  4. Walk to to the Calle Fisola, turn right, and continue walking.

  5. In a moment, you'll reach a cross street named Calle della Sacca. Turn right again and walk to the canal.

  6. Turn left at the canal. The Sarah and its sister yacht will be moored ahead of you, before you reach the Giudecca Canal.

From the Piazzale Roma:

If sitting in an Alilaguna airport boat for nearly two hours sounds unappealing, you can take the airport bus from Marco Polo Airport to the Piazzale Roma (20 minutes) and switch to a public water bus. Here are directions from the Piazzale Roma:

  1. Buy an ACTV vaporetto ticket (or, better yet, a 12-hour to 7-day Tourist Travel Card) at the Hellovenezia ticket office or a ticket machine by the boat piers.

  2. Take the No. 2 water bus in the direction of Giudecca and San Zaccaria. Get off at Sacco Fisola.

  3. Turn left and walk along the waterfront to the Canale dei Lavraneri, where the street turns right.

  4. Continue around the corner, where you'll see the Sarah and its sister yacht moored along the side canal.

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MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by Anders Imboden, using base data from the Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license IODL-2.0.

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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