Berlin Museums and Attractions
Berlin city guide

ABOVE: Mosaic from the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church,
Berlin has nearly 140 museums.
Here are a few of the museums that are especially noteworthy: Museums + Collections
This page from has general
information on museums and which collections are open on Mondays (the
traditional day off for Berlin museums). Note: With the 3-day "Berlin Museums
Card," you can visit more than 50 museums and collections in three consecutive
days for a flat fee. The card is available at Berlin's Tourist Info centers.
Museen zu Berlin
Berlin's 17 state museums have been united since 1991. Their collections include
European and non-European art, archaelology, and ethnology.
Allied Museum
View exhibits about the U.S., British, and French role in Berlin during the
Occupation and Cold War years from 1945 to 1994.
Bauhaus-Archiv Museum of
Walter Gropius designed this building, which houses plans, photos, workshop
pieces, and other exhibits that celebrate the Bauhaus architecture school and
design movement.
Botanical Garden
and Museum Berlin
Start your tour with a
of the garden, then see what the
museum has
in store.
"The Bridge" was Germany's Expressionist movement in the early 20th Century, and
the Brücke Museum is devoted to works from that "young and wild" generation of
Dresden and Berlin artists.
Computerspielemuseum The "world's first permanent exhibition devoted to digital
interactive entertainment culture" has more than 300 exhibits that portray the
"historical development and the projected future" of computer games.
Historisches Museum
The new German Historical Museum is in the Zeughaus, or Arsenal, the oldest
building on Unter den Linden.
Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
The German Museum of Technology's vast collection has locomotives, industrial
machinery, modern high-tech devices, a working windwill, a "sugar museum," the
SPECTRUM Science Center, and more. Live demonstrations and activities cater to
both children and adults.
Visit Germany's answer to Universal Studios in Potsdam, which you can reach from
Berlin by road or by S-Bahn and a connecting bus.
Georg Kolbe Museum
Figurative sculptures of the 20th Century are the focus of this museum in the
late sculptor's studio.
German Bundestag
Berlin is the capital of reunified Germany, and the Bundestag (Parliament)
allows visits
to its chambers in the Reichstag.
House of the
Wannsee Conference
In 1942, Nazi leaders met in a villa by the Wannsee (a lake on the southwestern
edge of Berlin) to plan the "Final Solution" that resulted in the Holocaust. The
building is now a museum and study center.
Jewish Museum Berlin
The successor to Berlin's original Jewish Museum (which was destroyed by the
Nazis) commemmorates 1,800 years of German Jewish history. (This
poorly designed site will open in a new browser window.)
Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundations
Click "English," then use the drop-down menus at the top of the page for
information on palaces and gardens that are operated by the Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und
Gärten Berlin-Brandenberg.
Ramones Museum Berlin
Join a "rollercoaster ride through 22 years of Fun, Punk, Bubblegum and Trauma"
at the world's first museum of Ramones memorabilia.
Willy-Brandt Stiftung
The Willy Brandt Foundation celebrates the life and times of the man who served
as mayor of West Berlin, chancellor of the German Federal Republic, and Social
Democratic Party chairman.
Computer Spiele
Museum The Computer Game Museum has more than 300 exhibits, including
classic hardware dating back to the Magnavox Odyssey of 1972.