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An Apartment in Cannaregio

Page 2
Continued from page 1

Living Room and Kitchen


The living room includes a table for four, a nonworking fireplace, a pullman kitchen (right back corner), and an antique desk.

At the opposite end of the loft-like space, where I was standing when I took this photo, you'll find a leather sofa, two easy chairs, a coffee table, TV, DVD player, portable radio-CD player, and bookshelves. (Bring your own mobile phone, and if you need to check your e-mail, you can visit one of the Internet points in the neighborhood.)


LEFT: The entrance door is halfway down a flight of stone steps. The impressive steel-framed door has multiple deadbolts on both sides, like the door of a bank vault. RIGHT: At the top of the steps, marble mosaic surrunds a stone column.


The pullman kitchen is compact but well-equipped, with a modern gas range and double sink. A dishwasher, large refrigerator-freezer, washing machine for clothes, and storage closet are hidden beyond wooden cabinetry. (There's no microwave, and you'll need to dry clothes on a drying rack or on a pulley-operated clothesline that can be reached from the bathroom window or living room.)

Next page: Bedrooms, bathroom

In this article:
Photos: Living Room, Kitchen
Photos: Bedrooms, Bathroom
Photos: Location, Views

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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