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From: Venice Islands Tour

Giancarlo De Carlo housing estate on Mazzorbo.

ABOVE: The Italian architect Giancarlo De Carlo designed this council estate on the peaceful island of Mazzorbo.

There isn't much to see on Mazzorbo, a small island that adjoins Burano, and that's part of the island's nearly tourist-free appeal.

The villas, gardens, and churches of earlier centuries are mostly gone, although the tower of the medieval Chiesa di Santa Caterina continues to dominate the bucolic landscape.

The most interesting sight on Mazzorbo, at least for fans of architecture and urban planning, is the government-assisted "case soziale" housing project designed by Giancarlo De Carlo.

 The houses, which are painted in Buranese colors, were built from 1979 to 1986. My favorite touch is the nursery and florist's shop with colorful tile trim.

How to reach Mazzorbo:

The ACTV's 12 (Lagoon North) boat stops at Mazzorbo on its way to Burano, but we'd suggest touring Burano first. Then, if you have time, walk across the wooden footbridge to Mazzorbo.

(You can't miss the bridge: It's within sight of the Burano ACTV station.)

Next page: Torcello

In this article:
Venice Islands Tour (introduction)
San Michele Cemetery
Return trip to Venice
Lido di Venezia (optional)

Also see:
The Venetian Lagoon
Lido di Venezia Travel Guide
Murano Travel Guide
La Certosa
San Lazzarro degli Armeni

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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