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Venice Master Artisans

Book Review
Page 4
Continued from page 3

book cover

Venice Master Artisans
Photos:Norbert Heyl
Text: Cristina Gregorin
Hardcover, 25x32 cm, 272 pages
Vianello Libri ·  €50,61
ISBN 88-7200-116-1

Venice Master Artisans has our highest recommendation; it's an extraordinary book and a bargain at 50 euros. Buy it for yourself or as a gift for those who love Venice, old-world craftmanship, or shopping for exquisite clothing, furnishings, and collectibles.

Related Web links

Vianello Libri
The publisher of Venice Master Artisans has a page with several photos and a brief description of the book. (Venice Master Artisans is available in either English or Italian.)

Norbert Heyl Studio
The photographer of Venice Master Artisans has a Web site that shows a number of photos from the book.

Venice Contemporary Art Tours
Cristina Gregorin, author of Venice Master Artisans, offers private guided tours of the city's contemporary-art museums, temporary exhibitions, artists' studios, and galleries.

Where to buy the book

You should be able to obtain Venice Master Artisans at any of Venice's bookstores that sell English-language books, or by special order from your local bookstore. Or you can order from Libro Co. Italia, a bookseller that specializes in art and architecture:

Web site: Libro Co. Italia

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In this review:

Venice Master Artisans cover photo copyright © 2003 Norbert Heyl.