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Venice > Lido di Venezia > Shopping

Shopping on the Lido

From: Lido di Venezia (Venice Lido)

Man and dog in Lido shopping district

ABOVE: A man and his dog take a break while shoppers go out and about on a Saturday morning.

For much of the year, the Lido is a dormitory suburb of Venice. Shops and services are geared mostly to locals, and you'll find a much wider variety of shops in Venice than on the Lido.

Still, if you're in a shopping mood, you'll find a reasonable assortment of boutiques (along with a handful of souvenir shops) on the island's main business street, the Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta.

Via Lepanto, LidoAnother shopping street is the Via Lepanto, which starts off as a pedestrian zone to the right of the Gran Viale as you walk inland from the Lido S.M.E. waterbus station. On Saturdays, vendors set up stalls along the street and under a shelter on the Via Vettor Pisani, across a canal from the Via Lepanto.

Lido laundromatTip: If you need to wash clothes, follow the Via Lepanto a few blocks until you reach a laundromat on the left side of the street. (The lavanderia is on the ground floor of a modern apartment building with a façade of stone blocks. Rates aren't cheap, but they do include detergent and fabric softener.)

For outdoor markets, try Il Farmer's Market, a.k.a. Il Mercato del Contadino, on the Riva di Corinto at Via Falcier on the Lagoon side of the Lido, near the sports fields. It's open on Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Tuesdays, a weekly market with both food and non-food items operates in the same location from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

During the warmer months, you can buy swimwear and other beach-related items in a shop at the Lido's public bathhouse.

Rizzo Lido di VeneziaDo you need to load up on picnic supplies, stock the kitchen of a self-catering apartment, or buy pesto and pasta for the folks back home? Try the Conad City supermarket (see our Lido Restaurants and Food page) and Rizzo, a deli, bakery, and confectioner that offers a wide assortment of food gifts. Rizzo also has a café next to its shop on the Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta, not far from the waterbus station.

Next page: Beaches and recreation

In this Lido travel guide:
Lido di Venezia - Introduction
Layout and orientation
Getting to the Lido
Lido to Venice by public transportation
Hotels on the Lido's main street
Lido villa and resort hotels
Restaurants and food
Beaches and recreation
Lido photos: Transportation
Lido photos: General scenes
Lido photos: Beaches
Lido map

Also see:
Lido hotels and vacation apartments (general information)
Interactive map from

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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